Kahen Soukou Gunbike - Speed Power Gunbike PS1 Longplay - 1st Game From Megaman Zero Devs
first game from creators of megaman zero games megaman 9 10 mighty number 9, game with hard controls, proto girl is most playable character with good handling, x character is worst to play with worst handling, timelimit and life is same thing, time limit and bad controls - bad combo, gameplay mechanics hidden by game and you can get all hints by beating hard difficulty, what were they thinking, g-power bar is completly useless if you dont know combination, combination for g-power up down triangle and up up up triangle, beating normal difficulty unlock only song, very hard not unlock anything, for ez game pick very easy difficulty and proto girl
all hints from menu
(Explanation of rocket start dash)
On a motorcycle, press the accelerator and brake at the same
time, then release the brake at the right time.
(Recovery of grip strength)
When the bike is slipping, changing to Rally will
restore the machine’s grip.
(Attack while jumping)
While the robot is jumping, you can attack by pressing the action
button. Attacks differ for each player.
(Explanation of G-MAGNA)
G-MAGNA is a hidden variable mode. Allows robots
to attack at extremely high speed for a certain period of time.
(How to use G-MAGNA)
Use 3 gun gauges.
On the robot, press up, up, up action button.