You can hit the LOOP button btw.
So, you might be asking yourself... wtf is this?
Well, got one thing to say... insanity. You get this level when you don’t touch grass enough. c:
It was just made for lols.
Anyway, I was challenged to make animation with 13th Friday Jason taunt dance.. so... yeah, this happened. Hope you happy, Crabnuts x.x
(his channel: )
Enjoy, I guess. Can’t monetize cause California Girls cp claim, but I don’t care.
I spent the entire sunday on it. Could be making a video. Was it worth it? lol
Hatsune Elissu upload:
Elissu & Ayano vibin:
Dante reupload:
Default info:
Gameplay/alt channel:
Discord link ( 13, but still read the rules and act like that cool guy):
About page/tab features a small FAQ
This was made on a very wholesome character studio, from a game called The sims 4.... lol not really. It is just from koikatsu.
Edited afterwards on sony vegas pro 19.
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