Minecraft Relaxing Longplay - Ghibli Nostalgia - Cozy Cottage House (No Commentary)

A relaxing no commentary Minecraft longplay of a cottage house build that may bring you the nostalgia of Ghibli. In this video we peacefully explore the forests and caves, sometimes travel far to different biomes and gather resources to build a cozy house. This longplay is done on survival mode. Hope you have a relaxing and soothing time while you are watching :) Hello :) I still remember the first time I watched ’Spirited Away’ and It’s such a precious and vivid memory in my heart. One of my favorite scenes in this movie is the old train road on the sea after the rain and a small house that feels so warm and cozy. so I built a small cottage with those inspiration and I was happy to feel my favorite Ghibli mood in the atmosphere of Minecraft :) It’s not perfect, but hope you enjoy the nostalgic vibe (Especially in the ending scenes of this video). and Thank you so much for watching💜 ------------------- GAME INFO -------------------- 🌲 VERSION • Java Edition 🌼 SHADER • BSL Shader 🌷 RESOURCE PACKS • Jerm’s Better Leaves 🌱 MODS • Fast Leaf Decay 🌾 SEED • 6080608060806081992 ------------------- CREDITS -------------------- ☁️ BGM •Oneul - #minecraftlongplay #minecraftbuild #minecraft
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