Esra + Ozan | Exile (1x05)

“Cause you never gave a warning sign. I gave so many signs“ POOR OZAN! the jealousy reaaaaaaallly ate away at him that he exploded at Esra. Literally he can’t sleep as I think he genienuly thinks he will lose her once and for all in front of his own eyes with his friend. When for the briefest moments he took happiness in the idea of eating with her and comes down and sees them together eating - IT KILLED ME! THE ANGST! I love how we saw her obsessing over the possibility he has moved on. Esra isn’t stupid, she knows he is affected by her and would kiss the ground she walked on and the idea that this could change really niggled at her. She has been used to being his beacon of love since childhood. When she finally reveals the truth (which it looks to be same reason from K-drama) of why she left it will honestly break me - he will be devastated. I also cannot wait for their first kiss on the show! All that longing, pain and tension will be INCREDIBLE! TV series: Aşk Mantık İntikam (Love Logic Revenge)
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