JayB - Trance Live Performance #8 “Opus In D Minor“

DOWNLOAD: (Clean and properly synced version.) This took me about 20 takes to record. It’s not perfect (I admit I had to edit a little part) but I got fed up after hearing the song constantly for two hours. Also my secondary camera failed in the middle of the track. For whatever reason. Unlike the previous ones this time it’s again only one screen, one person and only little help of the DAW to trigger my arpeggiators (mainly drums and bass in the beginning) for them to stay in sync as well as creation of MIDI clock and toggling the Kross’s Drum Track and step sequencer. Filter control is done by foot pedal and modulation wheel. The signal chain is quite interesting in this one: The DAW (Logic Pro) creates a MIDI clock for all instruments. It sends SysEx data to the Kross 2 to turn off and on drum track and mute the step sequencer and plays a single note twice to start the MIDI synced internal arpeggiator and drum track in time.
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