Boxplot Presents: Appalachian Anthems #005 |

#Mix@liquid_movement “Hey all! Gonna start uploading a mix here every first week of each month since 1. I got SUUUPER out of practice for mixing and 2. I realize that a lot of you want to see me play but either I haven’t been able to play in your city or you just would rather see whats uploaded online instead of heading out (which is fine since I’m basically the same way lol). Either way, let me know what you guys think of this and I hope you have an excellent day! Also if you’re wondering “Bro where are episodes 1-4???“, they were Twitch streams I did last year. But at least you can watch those VODs on my Patreon :D “ Boxplot Boxplot @ Liquicity Festival 2023: #Liquidfunk #Vocal_dnb #Liquid #Deepdnb #Drumandbass #Intelligent #Dnb #Soulful #Liquid_funk
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