Data’s creation / Roleplay ASMR / Star Trek / Sci fi

**** PLEASE NOTE: Small strobe / bright light warning on this video, please be aware :) **** Holy crap, this video has been a longgg time in the making :) I so missed making character role-plays, it’s been about 2 years since my last :O So I wanted to come back with something strong, and one heavily influenced by a character I have always had a big love for. Trying to make a video that would show his ways of thinking, his values and warm persona, without conveying too much emotion or expression was certainly a challenge. I like to believe he does experience some sort of emotions, but perhaps does not recognise them fully for what they are ;) Many weeks were spend making this costume while watching episodes on repeat for research, and while its been a difficult journey to get all the small details just right - constructing the script, getting the phrasing correct, expressions / gestures, I absolutely adored every moment I delved into of studying his personality. This roleplay has been a c
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