Come Little Children ~ fan arranged by Erutan ( katethegreat19 )
Arranged and performed by Erutan (katethegreat19)
Free MP3 Download:
If you would like to support my music, you can purchase a Studio Mastered version of my cover on itunes! (track is fully licensed by Disney!) The Loudr release has FLAC and mp3, and the itunes has Apple mp3 :)
thank you very much! @.@
I used my violin (pizzicato), my frame drum and some keyboard synth for the vibraphone and bass notes. I also went a little crazy with vocal layering, it was very fun!
I did a lyric change in Verse 1, and went with ’garden of shadow’ instead of ’garden of magic’. Not sure why, maybe at the time I liked it better.
This has become one of my most popular covers! It has been used in a multitude of videos here on youtube and elsewhere. It makes me very happy that people are enjoying my cover so much!
However, please make sure to credit me in your descriptions if you would like to use my cover (or any of my covers) in your videos! My covers often take weeks or even months to arrange and record completely, and for all that hard work I deserve a credit or mention if you want to use the song. ^^; Message me if you have any questions regarding this!
Come Little Children, I’ll Take Thee Away
Into A Land Of Enchantment
Come Little Children
The Time’s Come To Play
Here In My Garden Of Shadows
Follow Sweet Children, I’ll Show Thee The Way
Through All The Pain And The Sorrows
Weep Not Poor Children
For Life Is This Way
Murdering Beauty And Passions
Hush Now Dear Children, It Must Be This Way
To Weary Of Life And Deceptions
Rest Now My Children
For Soon We’ll Away
into The Calm And The Quiet
Come Little Children I’ll Take Thee Away
Into A Land Of Enchantment
Come Little Children
The Time’s Come To Play
Here In My Garden Of Shadows
Edited by wickedwayskill
I thought Pan’s Labyrinth was an excellent choice for the song. It’s a brutal but beautiful film. She did a brilliant job editing ^0^ as usual! Thankyou Heather!!
Come Little Children ~ melody composed by James Horner
Cover: arranged and performed by ~ katethegreat19
AMV ~ edited by Heather Fries ~ wickedwayskill
clips from ~ ’Pan’s Labyrinth’
!!! LYRICS !!!!
Verse 1 - by Brock Walsh (source: Hocus Pocus movie credits/copyright forms)
Verses 2,3,4 - ??? Has been attributed to a multitude of people, including Edgar Allen Poe, anonymous fans, etc. etc. Believe whatever you please.
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