Princess Margaret In Uganda (1965)

No title card. Princess Margaret and Lord Snowdon (Anthony Armstrong-Jones) at Murchison Falls Game Reserve in Uganda. C/U sign: “Beware of Elephants“. L/S elephants crossing road. L/S elephant close to Para Safari Lodge, pan to the lodge. L/S elephant. Narrator explains Princess stayed in lodge during her visit. Pan Princess Margaret and Lord Snowdon arriving at Owen Falls Dam. Panning shot dam. Pan to Princess Margaret and Lord Snowdon looking at dam. L/S dam. Princess Margaret and Lord Snowdon pose for cameras in front of dam. C/U Princess Margaret talking to African dignitary. Panning shot Royal car arriving at Bugende along route lined with children. M/S children waving flag. M/S Princess Margaret talking to blind children. C/U Princess Margaret. M/S tribal dancers. L/S ditto. M/S Princess Margaret and Lord Snowdon watching. M/S two of the dancers rolling over. M/S Princess being presented with tribal drum. M/S people watching. M/S Princess holding drum and tapping on
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