New Premier To Maintain Empire Bonds (1950)

Canberra & Melbourne, Australia. CU. Newspaper headlines proclaiming Labour defeat. CU. The New Prime Minister, Robert Gordon Menzies. CU. Mr. Joseph Chifley, ex-Premier. MV. Political meeting. SV. Speaker. SV. Crowd applauding. LV. Busy Melbourne street. SV. ’Vote Lang’ sign on outdoor information desk pan up to table. SV. People at outdoor information desk. GV. Interior polling station. SV. Man explaining new polling system to woman and child. SV. Old man placing vote in ballot box. (The Rt. Hon. William M. Hughes). SV. Menzies, wife and daughter, Heather, placing votes. MV. Exterior polling booth in schoolroom at Boara. CU. Sign - ’Public School, Boara, . 1880’ pan to sign ’Polling Booth’. SV. Man swishing gum tip to keep away flies. MV. People walking to schoolroom to vote. GV. Tally room with voting lists along wall. MV. Pressmen and broadcasters. SV. Angle shot, Pressmen and broadcasters. MV. Tally clerks chalking in returns. SV. Broadcasters. MV. Board showing result of Chifley’s conte
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