Learn how to simulate snowfall in your videos. Add depth by changing the amount of snow and rate of snowfall in the foreground and background.
Artwork by Erik Johansson ()
Note: The video clip in the practice files is different than what is shown in the tutorial, but the steps are the same.
Start from scratch, or download practice files [] for a head start. Steps below.
Prep your project:
1. Create a new project in Adobe After Effects (File – New – New Project).
2. Import the file (File – Import – File).
3. Drag the field footage in the Project panel to the Create a New Composition button at the bottom of the panel.
4. Rename the layer: Select it, right-click and choose Rename, and type “Foreground plate“.
Tip: If the column header displays “Source Name“, click it to switch it to “Layer Name“.
Create the snow effect:
1. Choose Layer – N
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