Berlin Tension Eases (1949)

Full title reads: “Berlin Tension Eases“. Berlin, Germany. After raising of the Soviet Blockade things start to change in Berlin. LV Berlin Market. MV Elevated market. SV Stall holder weighing leeks. SV Leeks being put into woman’s bag. LV Queue outside stall. SV Stall holder weighing potatoes and tipping them into woman’s bag. SV People round stall. Stall keeper giving out potatoes. MV Grocer rubbing out prices from window. CU Woman in queue. SV Shopkeeper writing up new prices. MV Towards woman carrying shopping bag, pan down to shopping bag. LV Russian choir singing - a big portrait of Joseph Stalin hangs above them. LV Crowd looking on. MV Side view Choir and orchestra. SV Back view of balalaika. LV From stage choir and orchestra. LV People applauding. CU Russian soldier looking on. LV men dancing in front of orchestra and choir (Russian Air Force). CU Girl in crowd raising opera glasses. MV Men dancing (Russian Air Force) SV Women in crowd. MV Russians dancing. GV Crowds looking on. MV Girl pre
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