Imperial Guard - Sector is Clear [WH40K SFM]

Alternate title: Guardsmen getting Chaos’ed. I know yall are probably frustrated by the heretically short length of my videos, but rest assured that I am planning a longer animation, one that’s at least a minute long, and featuring our favourite trenchers, the Krieg! Experimenting with a new lasgun sfx, tell me what you think! Its a combination of a TF2 diamondback with the sound of a bullet crack. My Twitter(I draw art): CREDITS Models Used Lasgun - Nirrti/Ilwrath and LT_C Guardsmen, Renegade, Chaos SM - Spacemarine game BFV props Tracers - Negalore Sounds TF2, HL2, SWBF2 trailer, CSGO, DOW1, Black Mesa
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