How I Won Climbing Gold In Paris

1 year after qualifying, Toby Roberts went on to win Sport Climbing Gold in the Combined discipline in Paris... This documentary captures 1 year of training alongside the physical and mental challenge that Toby undertook to ultimately become the youngest Brit to win individual Gold for Team GB in 68 years. Support by dad and coach, Tristian Roberts, as well as GB Climbing coach, Liam Briddon. The path to competing at the highest level of sport is never an easy one and for Toby it was no different. Climber: Toby Roberts Coach, Dad, Videography: Tristian Roberts Coach: Liam Briddon Vid...eography, Editing: Solomon Stott Chapters: 00:00:00 Intro 00:00:28 Qualification 00:00:48 Post Qualification Planning 00:03:17 Winter Training 00:08:15 January Innsbruck Training 00:08:46 February Paris Training & Comp Sim 00:10:26 Tokyo Training Trip 00:14:57 March Innsbruck Training 00:15:37 Rockcity Comp Sim 00:16:05 Keqiao Boulder World Cup 00:17:44 Wujiang Lead World Cup 00:19:56 April GB Climbing Training Camp 00:21:00 Salt Lake City Boulder World Cup 00:22:13 Salt Lake City Comp Sim 00:23:40 May Paris Training 00:25:42 London GB Climbing International Training Camp 00:26:51 Innsbruck Boulder & Lead 2023 00:27:17 Innsbruck Boulder World Cup 00:32:27 Innsbruck Lead World Cup 00:38:46 Silverstone Grand Prix 00:38:58 Chamonix Lead World Cup 00:45:30 Innsbruck Combined Comp Sim 00:46:11 The Final Training Session 00:48:11 Looking Towards Paris 00:49:44 Paris Semi-Finals 00:55:39 Paris Finals 01:00:52 The Win
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