Manual Supports Creation in Lychee Slicer (2x speed with subtitles)

See how Lychee Slicer 3 can be used to easily create manual supports for 3D printing miniatures and figures. Find additional tips and tricks below 🔰 Please enable subtitles [cc] for a walk-through of the procedures used in the video. Lychee Slicer 3 is available as a FREE and PRO version at This video has been sped up by 2x its actual speed. The whole process took ~25 minutes in real time. Lychee Slicer has a revolutionary support engine, both for automatic and manual support. This timelapse focuses only on manual support creation and uses some hotkeys to speed the process. 🔰 Manual Support creation summary: · Set first the support settings that you need, like tip size, pillars size, etc. You can customize the three presets, Light, Medium, Heavy. You can store these custom settings in the Custom dropdown to the right of the Heavy button. · If a support is selected, the next created support will use the same settings (tips size, etc). -
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