In China, 869,000 people have been evacuated! Typhoon doksuri, wind 279 mph

As Typhoon Doksuri batters China, 869,000 people have been evacuated as winds reach 279 mph! This is a breaking news story, so please stay tuned for updates. In the meantime, feel free to read our latest articles about the typhoon here on The Weather Channel Japan. The channel lists natural disasters such as: 1) emergency geological situations: earthquake, volcanic eruption, mudflow, landslide, collapse, avalanche; 2) Hydrological emergencies: flood, tsunami, limnological catastrophe, floods, flooding; 3) Fires: forest fire, peat fire, glass fire, forest fire; 4) Extreme meteorological situations: Tornado, Cyclone, Snowstorm, Hail, Drought, Hail, Hurricane, Storm, Thunderstorm, Typhoon, Storm, Lightning. The storm lifted people and overturned cars! Storm Poly paralyzed Amsterdam Storm Doksuri becomes super typhoon Egay, evacuation to the Philippines Playlist cyclone #news #weather #doksuri #typhoon #china #live #rain #storm #disaster #nature
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