Shattered Sarah Jane/Luke/Maria (Sarah Jane Adventures)

Read first May have to turn volume up... Warning: Major spoilers for Season 1 Eps. 1 and 9 Aaahh!! Another impromptu vid!! Ugh, dude this took ages.... I was going to do more of the song I swear... but I went through so much with this... you know the basics Vegas erroring out.... the vid wont load. Having to transfer 6gb of SJA to another computer. I was just so tired of it all... had a total loss of loved what I had done just enough to push myself to complete the verse. So, it’ll have to do. I know everyone and their third cousin twice removed has vidded this song... but I’m willing to bet no one has done this fandom :P I’ve been wanting to vid SJA forever and I have Ari and 8bulletproof8 to thank for getting me off my bum and doing it. Story for those who don’t watch SJA: Luke the main character in this video, most adorable boy ever and my favorite (hehe) is not human. He was created by an alien race,The Bane. Because of thi
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