AKB48 Team SH - 马尾与发圈

《马尾与发圈》是一首夏日主题的歌曲,歌词借用马尾和发 圈,引申出少女的暗恋情愫,侧面表达了少女对情感的向 往。 此次歌曲MV在海边取景,与海边游玩的歌词相呼应。 少女、沙滩、海浪、烟火,浪漫的元素将夏日氛围衬托地更 加浓厚。夏天在人们的印象中总是被具象化,扎起的马尾、 额角的汗水、奔跑的少女、单恋的心动,那么就让这首束起这个夏日的回忆吧! 「马尾与发圈」 is a summer-themed song. The lyrics borrow the ‘ponytail and scrunchie’ to extend the girl’s secret love, and express the girl’s yearning for emotion from the side. The MV was filmed at the seaside, echoing the lyrics of playing by the sea. Girls, beaches, waves, fireworks, and romantic elements make the summer atmosphere more intense. Summer is always concretized in people’s impressions, the ponytail tied up, the sweat on the forehead, the girl running, the heartbeat of unrequited love, so let this song bundle up the memories of this summer! #AKB48TeamSH #马尾与发圈 #PonytailToShushu
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