Space Wreck Full Release

What would you do stranded in a post-apocalyptic space wasteland? The post-apocalyptic hardcore role-playing adventure Space Wreck is now available as a full release! Your character, your gameplay Create a character of your liking - strongman or weakling, talker or an extremely shy introvert, ugly repulsive blob or charming sexy model - and kick them into a space of derelict stations and dilapidated spaceships, searching for the one thing - a fuel chip - that can get you home! Intentionally short but surprisingly deep The game is as long as a movie - but you dictate the action and whatever you do, branches the plot in its own unique path. And best of all - if you liked it, play it again later, it’s made to be replayable from the very first moment til the ...err... every one of the ends. Your story, your rules There are hardly any spoilers for this game, Do you succeed? Yes. And no. Do you meet pirates? no. Do you get home? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I dunno, man! I mean, how it ends - it depends on you, not me! So, jump in and find out what YOUR story is!
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