!!! Nibiru / Planet X “End Times“ Signs in the Skies ~ P900 Super Zoom (Videos) UK 5th July (2)

5th July Pics 1 5th July Pics 2 Clouds behind sun? 5th July Video 1 5th July Video 2 !!!!! Lens Array Cloaking Tech Chemtrails Extra Light Sources as the Nemesis System with it’s planetry objects, craft, tail of debris and red oxide fills our skies and horizons. Most visible at Sunrise and Set - When Chemtrails are sprayed the most. Chemical Skies - The Real “Climate Emergency“ Chemtrails / Geoengineering / Sun Dimming (Blocking The Sun) / Solar Radiation Management / 5G & Tree Removal (Worldwide) #Agenda21 - #Agenda2030 Smart Cities / Smart Grid for Georgia Guidestones Depopulation / Transhumanist Agenda for a Global One World Government “New World Order“ Alongside end-times Signs In The Sky, Revelation, Planet X / Nibiru / Nemesis Destroyer & Purifier “Red Dragon“ system & the Kachinas (Earths “reset“) coupled with disturbance to Earth’s magnetic field leading to the Pole Shift / Pole Reversal. Hidden by a ruthless evil “Elite“ that drug the population with chemicals to go with the distractions, psyops and #FakeNews “matrix“ false illusions they create on the World Stage. - Politics / Brexit, Hollywood, TV, News, “The Mainstream“ - ~ It’s All Theatre ~ to *Distract, Divide & Conqour* Te-Lie-Vision Programming (You!) as you Watch, Look and exchange Energy and lower your vibrational frequency - Feeding “their“ Negative Matrix Control System “The Beast“ #Nibiru #PlanetX #Chemtrails #Geoengineering #Agenda21 #Dragon #System #Planets #Disclosure #Truth #ClimateEmergency * free background music from *
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