Green Day - Basket Case - Cover (feat. Rocker Girl, Minority 905, Todd Barriage)
So excited to release my first FULL BAND COVER of @GreenDay BASKET CASE with some amazing musicians including @Minority905 and @toddbarriage Go check out their channels and please leave comments, likes and shares and let me know if you want to see another collaboration!
🥁 Rocker Girl
🎤 🎸 Minority 905 - @UCidCdDX3Y8M5XRCFO8a2i9w
🎸🎤 Todd Barriage - @UCeD1QWJTrYyMBroZfvYvWAQ
I learned so many songs using @DrumeoOfficial and want to announce that you can now get your FIRST MONTH FREE if you use this link to sign up! If you are starting out or have years of experience, Drumeo has amazing lessons and transcriptions including System Of A Down! Sign up here!
A lot of people ask what gear I use so, I decided to put together some links where you can purchase the exact equipment I use from SWEETWATER!
If you buy something