Support for Ukraine - Georgian performance | ой у лузі червона калина | Oy u luzi chervona kalyna
A musical performance in support for Ukraine.
Georgian artists are performing a famous Ukrainian folk song “ой у лузі червона калина” to show Georgia’s support for Ukraine.
In the last few weeks three organizations (SEED Georgia, “Nika Rurua fund,” Populus Rei) united to raise funds for generators. Thousands of Georgians raised enough money to buy more than 300 generators for Ukrainians who are left without power this winter. As of 27th of December the Generators are in Kiev. We wish to thank everyone involved in the campaign.
To boost morale and express Georgia’s support for Ukraine SEED Georgia organized this musical performance. We wish to thank Factory Tbilisi for their unconditional support.
Project idea: Levan Butkhuzi
Director: Gia Chanturia
Producer: Bachi Valisvhili
Line Producer: Ninutsa Gabisonia
Musical Director: Tamriko Chokhonelidze
Musical Producer: Aleko Berdzenishvili
Sopo Batilashvili
David Frontman Lomidze
David T