Fujifilm Instax SQ1 vs SQ6: Which is The Best Instant Film Camera?

Fujifilm recently released their latest instant camera, the Instax SQ1. This camera is very similar to my all time favourite instant camera the SQ6 and I wanted to how they both compare against one another. Find out in this video, which camera is the best instant camera you can buy. Instax SQ1 Amazon - Instax SQ6 Amazon - Instax Square SQ1 B&H - Instax Square SQ6 B&H - Anete - Music in this video from - get 30 days free. Gear used in this video ================================== Make sure you calibrate your screens - For accurate colors - Still the Best Mirrorless Gimbal - Fujifilm X-T3 - Fuji 23mm f/2.0 - Sony a7R III -
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