Dutch Profiles: NL architects

The visionaries that head up Amsterdam-based firm NL Architects, gained international recognition with their revolutionary use of urban spaces to create hybrid structures that turn convention on its head. Favouring pragmatism over ideology, they found meaning in the banal aspects of contemporary life. From a recyclable power plant that doubles as an urban sports facility to a supermarket and mini marina under an elevated highway, they seek out the unexplored potential of stagnating urban spaces. With practicality as a guiding principle throughout their work, NL Architects embrace the tension between the rational and the absurd, finding unexpected humour in their adherence to logic and reason. CREDITS Commissioning editor Submarine: Geert van de Wetering Producer: Olivia Sophie van Leeuwen Director: Victor Vroegindeweij Camera: Marijn Zurburg Sound: Benny Jansen Editor: Dominique Kools Colour Correction: Maurik de Ridder Music/Sound Design: Pastelle Music Produced by Submarine, Femke Wolting & Bruno Felix Commissioned by DutchDFA Like Dutch Profiles on Facebook
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