1 in 10 over 65s in S. Korea have dementia; when can we find the cure?

국내 노인 10명 중 1명은 치매...국내 치료제 개발 현황은? Dementia affects one in ten Koreans aged over 65. And people are even more at risk as the pandemic has made people less active. Our very own Jang Tae-hyun went out to talk to the director of Korea Dementia Research Center to ask how far away is a cure. Dementia degrades a person’s cognitive ability... meaning that they can no longer recognize the time, place, and even the people that they used to know. According to the National Institute of Dementia, the disease affects 830-thousand people in South Korea. That’s roughly 1 in 10 people aged 65 and above. Having dementia is not just being forgetful rather than thinking “oh I forgot to have lunch“... dementia patients don’t even realize that they forgot to have lunch. “Dementia is an acquired disease, which causes memory, language and judgmental abilities to deteriorate. Alzheimer’s disease accounts for more than 70 percent of dementia cases, but there are other types, including vascular, alcoholic and Parkinson’s dementia.
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