“Slav’sya!“ (“Glory to you!“) — English subs and translation

Russian Empire, 1836 Donate & Support: The people’s anthem of the Russian monarchical idea, taken from the epilogue of the opera “A life for the Czar” by Mikhail Glinka. The original lyrics of Baron Jegor (Georg) Rosen, the song is performed by the “Valaam“ choir. Portrayed by Mikhail Glinka (1804—1857), a great Russian composer and the author of the opera “A life for the Czar“, which became a people’s hymn to the Russian monarchy. LYRICS: Славься, славься. нашъ русскій Царь! Господомъ данный намъ Царь-Государь! Да будетъ безсмертенъ твой Царскій родъ! Да имъ благоденствуетъ русскій народъ! Славься, славься, Святая Русь! Празднуй торжественный день царя! Ликуй, веселися, твой Царь грядетъ! Царя-Государя встрѣчаетъ народъ! Слава нашему Царю! Ура! Ура! Ура! Ура!
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