Александр Барыкин. Памяти человека и музыканта 10

Aleksandr Barykin (February18th,1952 - March 26th,2011). Compilation of videos from Youtube by D as a tribute to the legendary musician-songwriter. He wrote about 400 songs (the first one was made when he was 6 years old), a few dozens of them became “people’s songs“. He was my “idol“ in 80s. One can’t be indifferent to his songs. He had a special energy, magnetism, charisma and love for life. He was continuing having a crazy-busy concert life, playing & singing to the fullest even after he had damaged his throat & health in Chernobyl, despite his age and first heart attack. In the last concert he said:“Now we’re going to play the song that everybody demands all the time and then my new song called ’Hey, going on living, go on breathing..(hey, don’t whine, just play&sing, go on living loving everyone and God will be with you)’“. He couldn’t sing the new song, he left the stage, he died next morning. He wasn’t an angel (?) but we
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