Super Mario Bros. - All Cheats, Secrets, & Tricks

Learn every cheat, secret, and trick that you need to know to become a master of Super Mario Bros. for the Nintendo Entertainment System! What may initially seem like a fairly straightforward and simple game actually has a lot of secrets hidden within for those who dare search for them. Learn how to access the warp zones and minus world, find every single 1up mushroom, get fireworks at the end of every level, continue from where you left off after getting a Game Over, jump over a flagpole, and even shoot fireballs as small Mario! This is the ultimate guide for those who want to be the ultimate Super Mario Bros. player! Play SMB for the NES like you’ve never played it before! A special thanks to my Patrons who help support my content: -Christopher Conte -Milesluigi -Swimming -Tealgamemaster #MAR10Day #マリオの日 Check out my Twitter page where I post updates on new videos, images of my collection, news about what games I’m playing, and more!
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