Line 6 HX Firmware // MASSIVE update with new amps, effects, and more! // Presets available
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Line 6 has released Firmware for HX devices (Helix, HX Stomp). This update brings a massive number of new amps and effects models. We have a lot of new presets to check out as well.
Table of contents:
00:00 - New Firmware!
00:52 - Playing Sample - Kinetic amp model
02:07 - Quick overview of the new original amp models
04:35 - Quick overview of the new amp models based on real world amps
05:42 - Quick overview of the new effects models
06:56 - Playing Sample - Carillon
07:43 - Carillon Amp Model walk through
11:43 - Playing Sample - Clarity
12:56 - Clarity Amp Model walk through
16:21 - Playing Sample - Kinetic amp model
17:05 - Playing Sample - Kinetic amp model
18:10 - Kinetic Amp Model walk through
22:05 - Mars 2203 Amp Model walk through
22:46 - Playing Sample - Mars 2203 Amp Model (Sugar we’re playing a JCM800)
23:25 - Walking through the Mars 2203 patch
25:27 - Aristocrat Amp Model walk through
27:30 - Voltage Amp Model walk through
29:45 - Oblivion Amp Model walk through
34:03 - New effects models
34:16 - Feedbacker effect walk through
37:53 - Prize Drive effect walk through
41:32 - Bloom reverb walk through
43:48 - Non Linear Reverb walk through
45:32 - Brian’s final thoughts
47:05 - Brian’s favorite new amp model
48:03 - Bradfords final thoughts and favorite new models
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Our vision is that every church in the world would experience worship that is both excellent and authentic. We are here to help you make that happen.
CURRENT GEAR - stuff we use in (and to make) videos
Sony FX3:
Sony a74:
Acoustic Guitars:
McPherson Acoustics (Camrielle, Carbon Fiber Sable):
Martin D-35 //
Martin 000-28 //
Taylor 414ce //
LR Baggs Anthem Pickup (in both) //
G7th Performance Capos:
Amp modelers we make presets for:
Line 6 Helix //
Line 6 HX Stomp //
Kemper //
Fractal Axe-FX III, FM3, FM9 //
Quad Cortex:
Recording Interface:
Universal Audio Apollo //
In-Ear Monitors:
1 view
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