Hobbit - Beatbox Convention Berlin 2012 - Anthem of Hobbit

twitter: #!/swissbeatbox website: facebook: #!/swissbeatbox gplus: Hobbit from England, the UK, form Bristol :) is a crazy beatboxer. A professional for many many years and always developping himself as an artist. Now he comes really hard as an artist with his loop station. I call this track, sry, I allow myself to call it Anthem of Hobbit. XD So please go and check out Hobbit’s official youtube channel, HobbitTv: My friend Hobbit is so worht it to book. Enormous support from for you my friend. Cant wait to meet up again. Sick beatbox and looping bro! we have more nice videos form Hobbit filmed from Switzerland other sick clips, go and check it out!!! also int eh video response area you cna find some hot shit! thank you for bee low and beatbox battl
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