Majestic Flower Component Handmade by Mariel

In this video I only show how to make the component that I created to make the necklace as well as the pendant that are shown in this video. Bracelets, Earrings, Necklaces Rings and more, step by step tutorials everything you want to learn about Handmade Jewelry. List of Materials: 10 mm roung bead Superduos Pip Beads 11/0 15/0 Fireline Needle Size 12 MarielBeadsandBeyond channel is dedicated to make a step by step video tutorials of Handmade Jewelry, Learn how to make Custom Jewelry, DIY Bracelets, Necklaces, Earrings, Rings. You can learn Basic Stitches like Herringbone Stitch, Peyote Stitch, Right Angle Weave, St Petersburg Stitch, Brick Stitch, Ladder Stitch, Spiral Stitch, Russian Spiral, Square Stitch Etc.
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