Teachers stage strike for 2nd consecutive week in Paris as Education Min under fire over Ibiza trip

Follow us on Telegram: Subscribe to our channel! Teachers staged a strike for the second consecutive week in Paris on Thursday answering calls from educational unions across France. “I think what bothered teachers the most was that the protocol was given on a Sunday night and I think that’s what exacerbated the anger mostly,“ said one protester amid outrage caused by France’s education minister Jean-Michel Blanquer after it was revealed he was on holiday in Ibiza on Sunday when he announced strict COVID testing protocol for students. The unions who marched in a strike last week are demanding that the government provide face masks for staff, including the more protective FFP2 masks, and surgical masks for pupils, as well as CO2 captors in classrooms to monitor air purity levels. Masks have been mandatory for pupils and teachers in French schools since 2020, with a short pause in several places amid low infection rates i
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