101 летняя бабушка Альбина радуется снегу. 101-year-old lady enjoys the snow

Though after living more than a century, a 101-year-old Canadian woman can still react with child-like wonder to the snow. A video of Albina Foisy, 101, from Lillooet, British Columbia, playing in the fluffy white stuff was posted online by her son Armand last week and has received more than views. ’Here’s proof that if you find pure joy in the simple things you can live a 100 years,’ he said accompanying the adorable clip. Armand told Global News that his mother lives with him and his wife, but still takes care of herself and is very sharp mentally. ’That’s the amazing thing about her. Her strength and her joy of living is not diminished one iota. She laughs at everything, she’s so giving,’ the 69-year-old said. The son gave a moving message about his mother during the beginning of the video, which has gone viral and been shared more than 84,000 times on Facebook in addition to being covered by media. He said that with his mother turning 101 last month, '
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