Hippo Campus - ’landmark’ (Full album live performance for The Current)
In anticipation of ’landmark’s release, Hippo Campus performed a full album preview at Minneapolis club Icehouse on Feb. 7. Nearly 200 lucky guests filled the room to get a live first listen of the quartet’s 13 new songs, courtesy of The Current.
sun veins 0:15
way it goes 1:35
vines 5:50
epitaph 8:22
simple season 10:08
tuesday 13:58
western kids 17:17
poems 20:35
monsoon 26:25
vacation 32:30
boyish 37:20
interlude 40:50
buttercup 41:33
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4 months ago 01:26:24 1
Das erwachte Gehirn? Zirbeldrüse und Hippocampus in neuer Balance | mit Dr. Nehls und Dieter Broers