Trevor Dick - Amazing Grace - Cantini MIDI Violin & Roland GR-55 Guitar Synth

Trevor Dick - Cantini Sonic MIDI 5-String Electric Violin (driving the Roland GR-55 Guitar Synth) - Recorded live, Oct. 13/15 - Fairmeadow Studios. | All the tracks on this Progressive Rock/Blues & Looper rendition of “Amazing Grace“ were created by the Cantini Sonic MIDI Electric Violin with the aid of a Boomerang III Phrase Sampler (looper pedal). Recorded on a Macbook Pro using Logic. Video was captured on multiple takes by a single iPhone 5s to give the viewer a window into my pedal board and process of creating this arrangement. Although I have never recorded “Amazing Grace“, I often do a rendition of this treasured classic in live concerts.
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