Ruins of Perception - “The Draconian Impaler“ (Official Music Video)

FOLLOW RUINS OF PERCEPTION: Spotify: Apple Music: Facebook: Instagram: MERCH: LYRICS: Dies irae, dies sanguinis Fear the age of death and tyranny Blacken the sky Dragging this world into dark Far beyond thy time, in the lands of gloom and obscurity Where the kiss of ashen dusk tears the moonlight There lies the king Embodiment of malignance and endless misery This is my curse, the gift of immortality This is my curse, thy cries will be my sanctuary This is the ballad ov blood, the hymn ov chaos I am infinite Crawl in the chambers of enslavement Filled with the blood of the impaled Left to rot, I will become thy end Ceaseless torment, writhed in pain Skinned and tortured Only carcass will remain I am the end, the judgement of the human race Thirst for blood: the feast of perdition Go for the throat Carving my teeth into flesh and scenting the smell of my lust This is the ballad ov blood, the hymn ov chaos I am infinite Ov the abyss, I’m reborn in the rivers of blasphemy Swallow the sun, pass through the gates and be one with the nothingness This world will be drowned in desparity Facing death and embrace immortality The king ov the night Crowned and accursed by the devil, Lucifer I am the idol of agony I am the menace and bane of humanity Consumed by the thirst of my bloodlust Dracula! Preaching death in the wake of my elegy: the wish of eternity Dies Sanguinis! Dies Sanguinis! Children of the night Marked by the hex Marked by the days of blood Ascendency of a dehuman sovereign Hail to the cursed king Bury your soul in the shelter of my throne Enter this realm, rising upon VISUALS:
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