Learn acrylic pouring for beginners in this step by step video tutorial. I’ll show you all of the basics that you’ll need to start acrylic pour painting on a budget with easy to find supplies.
This video is a great place to start for anyone who is just starting out with acrylic pour painting and wants to get a better idea about what’s involved.
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The following supply list contains affiliate links. I make a small commission if you purchase through these links, and I really appreciate it if you do!
- Husky Plastic Sheeting : (or a large garbage bag / old newspapers / a bunch of plastic grocery bags / a painter’s dropcloth)
- Foil Cookie Tray (to catch most of the excess paint as it runs off the edges of the painting - I purchased a set of 2 for $ at the dollar store)
- Vinyl Gloves (if you don’t want to be cleaning acrylic paint from under your fingernails for days, then use gloves - I buy mine by the box at Walmart in the cleaning supplies aisle)
- Acrylic Craft Paints (in the video, I used Folk Art & Americana brands, but I’ve also used Martha Stewart, Apple Barrell, and Michael’s Craftsmart store brands with good results)
- Elmer’s Glue All Water :
- Squeeze Bottle : (I put the glue and water into this and shake it up until they’re well mixed. The squeeze bottles are a really easy way to dispense your pouring medium, and you can just put the cap back on when you’re not using so it doesn’t dry out)
- Food Service Portion Cups : (to hold the paint / pouring medium mixture - you can use any small plastic cups for this, or you can save yogurt containers or even plastic cat food containers and use those)
- Wood Craft Sticks : (to stir the paint / pouring medium mixture - I picked up a package of 100 for $ at the dollar store, and once the paint is completely dry on them, you can reuse them)
- Art Alternatives 8x10 Canvas Panels : (if you want to hang your paintings on the wall, you should use a regular canvas, but I like these panels and buy them by the dozen from Amazon)
- Plastic Shot Glasses (to raise the canvas off of the work surface so the paint can flow off the edges after you pour - I bought a package of 24 plastic shot glasses for $ at the dollar store, but you can use food service containers, plastic yogurt containers, cat food containers, or even a small box under the canvas)
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