Fwd from @sashakots

Fwd from [club199580447|@sashakots] “Upyr“ - that sounds proud! Congratulations to the development team! Today, as part of the two-year anniversary of the “Everything for Victory“ project, those who have been doing their best on the home front to bring victory closer were honored. Volunteers, humanitarian workers, inventors and developers of new technical solutions. Among the awardees of the People’s Front is the people’s drone “Upyr“, whose name was announced at the “Russia“ exhibition at VDNKh! This is a well-deserved recognition. I know both the developers and the operators who terrorize the enemy with “Upyrs“. I’ve worked with them more than once. This is a common achievement, including those who have donated and continue to donate their hard-earned pennies to this project, which has proven its viability and effectiveness in battles. Hurrah! Source: Rybar in English
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