Change Over In India (1958)

Unissued / unused material. Navy change over in India - British Royal Navy hands over to Indian Command. New Delhi, India. Various shots of Vice Admiral Stephen Carlill and Vice Admiral Kattari sitting at desk, Carlill hands over charge of Indian Navy to Kattari and they shake hands. Kattari sess off Carlill. We see Carlill leave his office for last time. LS building where changeover took place. Various shots Indian ratings lining road. Senior Indian naval officers pull jeep along by rope, Admiral Carlill and wife stand in jeep waving. Carlill says goodbye to senior officers. Guard of Honour presenting arms. CU buglers. Carlill inspects Guard of Honour. CUs some of ratings. Various shots of Admiral Carlill and wife surrounded by friends on platform of train station. They say goodbye and get on board waiting train. Date on dope sheet is 22/04/1958. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES,
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