-------— Forwarded message —------- From: CANADIANCITIZEN Date: Fri, Apr 12, 2024 at 7:49 PM Subject: Fwd: one of the most brutal attacks against one human beings in history. Germany demanding i claim political asyl 2016 then tortured all over Germany. Poisoned and the use of Chemical Weapons used against me for 5 years with my consulate fully aware and placed me in a situation where I am being tortured to death. I need urgent medical help or I will die. To: , , , , , IT IS QUITE CLEAR TO ME THAT I COULD GET KILLED ANY DAY. I UNDERSTAND YOU ARE GERMAN AMERICAN SO PROBABLY DONT CARE AND I AM SURE YOU KNMOPW THE EXACT PROBLEM SINCE YOU DIDNT CONTACT ME AFTER I TOLD YOU THE POLIZEI ARE GOING TO KILL ME YOU CONTACTED THE CANADIAN EMBASSY AND DIDNT TELL ME WHICH IS WEIRD THEN THE ATTACKS AT THE CHURCH AND TODAY ANOTHER DR TRIED TO KILL ME THEN AMERICANS WEARING PORTLAND SHIRTS ATTACKED ME DIRECTED AFTER I EMAILED YOU AND HOSPITALS IN SEATTLE. I HAD TO BUY SHORTS. THEY DESTROYED MY BACKPACK AND NOW MY LAPTOP IS BARELY WORKING. I RECPORDED THE CONVERSATION AT THE ESSEN RATHAUS BUT CONSIDERING I HAVE HUNDREDS OF PPL FOLLOWING ME INCLUDING NAZIS STAS POLIZEI AMBULANCES AND SECURITY. I GOT ATTACKED IN THE RATHAUS IN ESSEN BEFORE I EVEN MET RAINER. AT ST MARIU ESSEN UNIVERSITY. BRUTAL ATTACKS BEFORE I WENT TO THE RATHAUS. IF I GET KILLED AT ST MARIEN HOSPITAL TONIGHT DONT SAY I DIDNT TELL YOU. IAM ATTACKED EVERY 5 SECONDS IN DUSSELDORF ESSEN DUISBURG EVERY GERMAN CITY AND YOU DONT KNOW WHO I AM. THIS IS EVIL. TRULY EVIL AND YOU ARE IN A CHURCH. I EVEN HAVE THE AFRICAN CHURCH IN MULHEIM TRYING TO KILL ME. NOW TODAY AMERICANS AND SCOTTISH REDNECKS. PPL ARE SICK IN THE HEAD Thomas Kempgen a complete killer. Jeff why dont you contact him and ask why he is torturing and killing ppl. If you cant do anything why dont you tell people in Seattle that mulheim an der ruhr is torturing and killing people in st marien hospital with nurses trying to kill me in the night kicking me in the head trying to get my laptops back. THIS MAN IS A NAZI KILLER STEALING EVIDENCE OF POINT BLANK GENOCIDE. REFERENCE 5 XVII 7 24 Jeff hinman you have to know whats going on in Dusseldorf. Germany brought millions of ppl to germany. faked human rights. politically isolated people poisoned tortured and killed them fo money and now Germany is a consruction site for 4 years with billions paid to Germany for using Zersetzung to kill people. The term Holocaust, derived from a Greek word meaning “burnt offering“, has become the most common word used to describe the stasi extermination of refugees in English and many other languages. The term Holocaust is sometimes used to refer to the persecution of other groups that the Nazis targeted, especially those targeted on a biological basis, in particular the Roma and Sinti, as well as Soviet prisoners of war and Polish and Soviet civilians. CHANGE THE WORD JEWISH TO REFUGEE AND ITS THE SAME. STEALING THOSE DISK AND 22 TERRA BYTE OF HORROR IS THE EXACT SAME AS DENYING THE HOLOCAUST BY THE ESSEN POLIZEI, KILLER LAWYER THOMAS KEMPGEN, INTERNIST WERDEN LEAVING ME MEDICALLY FOR DEAD AFTER 6 MONTHS OF MEDICAL LIES AND TERROR, REFUGEE Holocaust denial 2015 TO 2024 is an inhuman conspiracy theory that asserts that the Nazi genocide of refugees, known as the Holocaust, is a fabrication or exaggeration. Holocaust denial includes making one or more of the following false claims: Nazi Germany’s “Final Solution“ was aimed only at deporting refugees from the territory of the Third Reich and did not include their extermination. I have held prisoner in Germany 8 years with no visa as the nazis ands muslims are paid to destroy me. Nazi authorities did not use extermination camps such as hospitals and torture chambers in St Marien Hospital Mulheim an dewr Rhur for the mass murder of Refugees. to the Jewish Government I need help. I am being subjected to a brutal attack for 8 years Blackmail Humiliation Subjection to periods of interrogation Music torture Forced nudity Seclusion Pharmacological torture Exploitation of mock execution Sensory deprivation Sensory overload Sleep deprivation Solitary confinement / isolation Threat of severe disfigurement White room torture Acid attack Blinding with light Boiling water thrown on me Bone breaking Burning Burying alive poison. zersetzung to try and turn you gay. Castration Cigarette burns Coffin torture. followed by cars carrying a cofin. then polizei then ambulance Cold cell torture Crushing Cutting Dehydration Disfigurement Emasculation Eye gouging Flagellation Flaying Foot roasting Force-feeding Kicking Kneecapping
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