2nd Test LTD H-1007 (with POD XT Live, by Jotun6662 / Leo Peña)
Another test of this fabulous axe, the LTD H-1007, recorded using a POD XT Live through a Focusrite Saffire Pro 40. Video (all actual recording takes) from Panasonic LX5. All rythms were played using EMG 81-7 (bridge) and leads using 707 (neck). Hope you like it.
Otro test de esta fabulos guitarra, la LTD H-1007, grabado usando un POD XT Live, a través de una Focusrite Saffire Pro 40. Vídeo (todo son tomas reales de la grabación de audio) hecho con una Panasonic LX5. Todos los ritmos fueron tocados u