Utsu-P【鬱P】- GREATEST SHITS (Full Album)

Imagine all the great UtsuP songs getting a PTSD treatment (a second treatment for some of them). Now imagine this time, Utsu shares a tint of that heavy, noisy vibe that we loved from the Diarrhea to Moksha era. Awesome stuff! Vocals: Hatsune Miku Kagamine Rin Gumi flower Mayu Tracklist: 1. 骸Attack!!, Corpse Attack!! (0:00) 鬱P feat. 初音ミク 2. アンチ・デジタリズム, Anti-Digitalism (3:53) 鬱P feat. 初音ミク 3. 自爆, Self-Destruct (8:05) 鬱P feat. 初音ミク 4. 害虫, Vermin (9:16) 鬱P feat. 初音ミク 5. オトナのオモチャ, Adult’s Toy (13:09) 鬱P feat. 鏡音リン 6. THE DYING MESSAGE (17:47) 鬱P feat. 鏡&#
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