Mother mary

Visit my Website: Just wrote this song today 7th june 2009. its also a raw copy. wrote this at bedok reservoir carpark in singapore this afternoon. few people who walked past was wondering what i was doing in the car with a guitar and singing. this song expresses how i feel right now. Guess there would be some who would comment on the fact that its to Mother Mary. I feel she has been misunderstood alot that we worship her. We don’t. Hope you like the song. Mother Mary Mother Mary, cant you see that I Am suffering and tearing right before your eyes Mother Mary, dun you know that I Am asking you to say a few words to you son on high Like the wedding at Cana, at the wedding wedding water turned into wine Chorus : cant you see that there are tears in my eyes Why dun you just wipe away my sighs Cos you know that it just hurts you deep inside When you know that Ive really tried Mother Mary, you know that its not y
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