A HOME OF ONE’S OWN | Summer at The Johnston Collection

“A home becomes. It takes time.” Victoria Alexander Our homes are more than merely containers for living. When we combine meaningful objects, gathered thoughtfully over time, a room, a house, or a garden becomes a space for shared memories - past, present, and future - and a comforting sanctuary from the busyness of the outside world. A Home of One’s Own: Summer at TJC brings together objects, collections, and design inspirations that have developed over many years, but continue to resonate today. Visitors to our historic East Melbourne townhouse, Fairhall, will discover antiques and much-loved decorative pieces that draw on iconic designs of the past, combined to create an inviting, intimate, and timeless expression of ‘home’. This special re-arrangement is inspired by a 2008 exhibition at The Johnston Collection, curated by renowned Melbourne-based interior designer, Robert Thomson, formerly a Director at design firm Riddell Marly. During the last ten years of his life, William John
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