From “Круиз/WEA“ album
Композиция “Железный Рок“ и соло Сергея Ефимова
Indisputably, KRUIZ was the national pride of Russia, the face of progressive Russian culture in the end of 80-s and beginning of 90-s. A great army of admirers in the whole world and in former socialist countries, the originality of the musicians (Valery Gaina/vocal, guitar, Fyodor Vasiliev/bass guitar, Sergey Efimov/drums) able to become the Russian rock band # 1 who headed for the world rock stage and conquered it by its European tour, the fact that the KRUIZ was the first Russian group who recorded and issued
...its first author’s disc at the prestige record company-WEA (Warner Broz.) in Germany, professionalism and innovative ideas made from trio KRUIZ the first Russian group of international scale.
The KRUIZ was founded in 1981. The group has quickly won the sympathies of the rock fans in the Soviet Union due to the “new wave“ then brought by the KRUIZ in the Soviet rock stage. As for music the group was doing well, but 1985 was the year of great shocks in Soviet life that accordingly reflected in Russian rock development as well. In 1986 the only one member remained in the band -- its founder Valery Gaina and he decided to develop the group’s music in accordance with the ideas of the new time. Sergey Efimov became the drummer of the renewed KRUIZ and Fyodor Vasiliev came to be the bass guitar. In this structure the musicians began playing apparently new and really original music that quickly attracted public attention towards them.
In spring 1987 the debut album of the group called “KRUIZ-1“ was issued by the All-Union recording company “Melodia“. The music itself and the ideas of the musicians, used at recording this album, foretold the album’s success. In the very compositions of this album the group aspired to bring to the people the things that were of great lack that time -- “don’t give up! Even if it is too hard“. And the success came. And it was a real success! The sales of the album “KRUIZ-1“ rapidly reached 1 million and regarding the total issue it came to (!) copies. The KRUIZ was highly appreciated by the most brilliant critics of their music -- they were highly recognized by the hearers. The hour of triumph began for the KRUIZ! The KRUIZ started their concert tour in the Ukraine, Byelorussia and Russia. The group has quickly conquered the army of rock fans in the ex-Soviet Union due to their concerts. As for the music the KRUIZ did not restrict themselves, and the vital energy coming merely from three musicians of the group even flow out in the hall provoking the same response at the same emotional level and in different forms of admiration and support. The stage show of the group represented an enchanting sight. And always -- live sound. Only live music of the band. Than in Russia the mass media did not “spoil“ the rock fans much and perhaps the lack of information was an original advertisement for the KRUIZ, why, everyone knew them.
So, from that moment the KRUIZ turned into the something more than a rock group - the KRUIZ became a live legend. The trio got their own style. The professionalism of the musicians was beyond question. According to inquiries in various music editions Val Gaina -- the best guitar of the year, Sergey Efimov -- the best drummer of the year. Fyodor Vasiliev also didn’t yield to them in skills. The manager of the German band “Scorpions“ paid attention at the KRUIZ at one of their concerts and suggested that they should record an album in Germany. On October 1988 the second album of the trio KRUIZ with a plain but a very bright name “KRUIZ“ appeared in West-European music stores. The western press, critics and of course listeners positively accepted the album, and the KRUIZ went on their European tour in Germany, England, Italy, Spain, Norway, easily conquering the army of fans and amazing them not only with their new album but their live and honest concerts. “...there were some questions about the Russian groups’ professionalism previously. The live of the KRUIZ clearly demonstrated skills of the Russians and broke our former stereotype...“ the German newspaper Munich Music News/April 1989. Having spent the whole 1989 in the European tour the KRUIZ returned in Russia in December. The professional status of the musicians allowed them to create their solo Gaina implemented his creative ideas not only in the Russian project “GAIN“ but also founded very interesting rock bands such as “KARMA“, “iNSULATED“ in America.
Sergey Efimov founded the groups “VOLKI“,“UDAR“ and “Hippy Chaos“, and Fyodor Vasiliev entereda popular rock group “Black Cofe“, not forgetting to pay attention to the session work with a number of Russian musicians.
(c)Igor ChekhovShow more