Vintage Guide to Posture for College Girls - 1940’s

From 1949, a guide for young women to being attractive and healthy with good posture. With good posture, a straight line should run from the tip of your skull, down through your neck, shoulders and knees and instep. If the line is fairly straight, then your line of posture is good. If your head sticks out like a turtle, or if you slump to one side or slouch on one foot. If your tummy sticks out, then your line of posture is bad. Instead of appearing as an alert friendly young lady, she seems tired all the time. This posture check is as good for girls as it for boys. The correction of posture you gain from it is truly remarkable. It gives you a feeling of poise, and without poise, no girl can be really attractive. If you have a space at the back of your waistline, try to flatten the hollow of your back by pulling in against the wall. Good posture depends on skill, not strength. So, practice this posture over and over and carry it with you wherever you go. You’ll be surprised how much better you’ll feel, when y
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