JoLang Reaction to the Song “Homeland“ by Sergei Trofimov

Hello, JoLang is here again, and today i want to introduce you to the song “Homerland“ of the Russian music project “Songs of the Great Country“. Sergei Trofimov’s song “Homeland“ sincere and with deep text, a touching motive. And this is not surprising, at different ages, with different life experiences, we understand in our own way what the Homeland is. But we always know: we have it. With its history, the beauty of nature, victories, trials. With something great, and, at first glance, very small. This is something that cannot be bought or taken away. This is something that cannot be destroyed or taken. This is something that can never be touched or stolen by “That Light“. This is something we carry in our hearts, protected by our souls. This is ours - dear. I placed the link of the original video in the description below. Please visit the channel and give them the attention they deserve. It’s fun and lifts your mood when you visit this channel, so many beautiful songs, sung in the most beautiful places in the world. And That Light will disappear and the White Light will become the omnipotent view. Thank you, that you have listened to the beautiful song with me, and thanks again to all who commented on my posts. #johann_langgartner #jolang_aut Author of the work - Sergei Trofimov and his daughter Elizaveta Producer, sound engineer, arranger - Timur Vedernikov Director, cameraman - Dmitry Burlakov Installation and color correction – BURY PRODUCTION Cameraman, copter - Evgeniy Goryachkin Cameramen - Sergey Shulga, Kirill Kolesnichenko Engineer, technical director - Grigory Gornostaev Administrators - Victor Lankin, Denis Shilin Primary arrangement - Alexander Pozdnyakov Director - Vsevolod Kramarev Executive producer – Oksana Misanets Creative producer - Andrey Polosin Продюсер, звукорежиссёр, аранжировщик - Тимур Ведерников Режиссёр, оператор - Дмитрий Бурлаков Монтаж и цветокоррекция – BURЫЙ PRODUCTION Оператор, коптер - Евгений Горячкин Операторы - Сергей Шульга, Кирилл Колесниченко Инженер, технический директор - Григорий Горностаев Администраторы - Виктор Ланкин , Денис Шилин Первичная аранжировка - Александр Поздняков Директор - Всеволод Крамарев Исполнительный продюсер – Оксана Мисанец Креативный продюсер - Андрей Полосин Video and Text from channel: #МУЗЫКАВМЕСТЕ @Musikavmeste Original Video: Channel: Timur Vedernikov Special thanks to Andrey Larin, who wrote me the lyrics with the timeline, who gave me advice and a lot of useful information about this music project. Особая благодарность Андрей Ларин, который написал мне тексты песен с указанием временной шкалы, который дал мне советы и много полезной информации об этом музыкальном проекте.
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