Making a piano from tongue depressor

Funny and simple guide, tutorials, how to, tips and tricks... Updated every for more! Materials Tongue depressors 502 glue Hot glue Knife or scissors Pen and ruler Process -Fretboard Cut 2 round heads Draw the fretboard Take another tongue depressor Bisect it Do the same with another tongue depressor Cut a tongue depressor to 2 fragments 1/3 2/3 Measure and cut the piano’s body Do the same with the other side but shorter Stick them by glue and hot glue -The back side Make a curve at the back of piano Measure the piano’s thickness and cut Fit them and make a curve Use glue and hot glue -Cover Take 5 flat tongue depressors and cut 1 head Stick them and draw the cover’s shape And cut that curve Use glue to stick them together -Holder feet Top holder: Using a small bar of the redundants to make a holder Bottom holder: Make 4 piano’s feet -Make a chair Follow us : Twitter : Facebook :
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