Queen Dials Edinburgh (1958)

Full title reads: “Bristol. Queen Dials Edinburgh“. Bristol, Avon. LV Int. Queen Elizabeth II in the new Bristol telephone exchange watching girls at work on switchboard. SV Queen talking to Mrs June Packer, aged 30. CU Sign “Post Office Subscribers Trunk Dialling Exhibition“. SV Queen looking at old type telephones. CU Old time picture of the switchboard at the Holborn exchange in 1908. CU 1898 Magneto signalling telephone invented by Ericsson. SV Queen and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh looking at old telephones. CU Blake Carbon Transmitter 1879. CU 1880 Gower Bell loudspeaking telephone. CU Latest type of telephone of which you can have a choice of seven colours available in spring 1959, at cost of £5. AS Map of England showing trunk dialling system it lights up with dots showing the route from London to Edinburgh - the new system of STD dialling. LV Post Master General Mr Ernest Marples inviting Queen to telephone the Lord Provost of Edinburgh (nat snd.) SV Queen picks up phone and start
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