Soldier Poet King | hboatffs Animation Meme

I managed to get something out before the semester starts LETS G O O O O -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This animation is honestly just a manifestation of the love and appreciation I have for my two friends Eden & Bri. With me going to university, I was super bummed that I wasn’t going to be able to see them as much, so I decided to make this as a sort of parting gift if you will :’) I’ll keep it brief to avoid getting cheesy, but they are both incredible human beings who have always been there for me. Without them, I wouldn’t be where I am today, and I’m eternally grateful for their friendship. Hopefully some of those feelings come through the video even if it’s just a meme haha. But from the bottom of my heart, I love you two so much. Thank you so so much for being there. With my gushing aside, I hope everyone’s doing okay during quarantine. Hopefully we’ll all be through with this soon enough. We can only hope lmao
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